Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Most of the members of our team have regular editorial activities in the leading journals and conferences of the field.

For instance, Marius Tucnsak is a member of the editorial boards of ESAIM COCV, Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, Mathematical Reports and Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliqués.

The notable changes with respect to 2012 are

Xavier Antoine joined the editorial board of ISRN Applied Mathematics in 2013. He also became “délégué scientifique” in charge of the department “Mathematical sciences and Interactions” of the national funding agency ANR and was nominated head of the program “Accueil de Chercheuses et Chercheurs de Haut Niveau” in 2013.

Thomas Chambrion joined the IFAC Technical Chair for control of PDE's in 2013.